This week kicks off with Saturn, lord of time, stationing retrograde. The initiation of outer planetary retrogrades is inherently indicative of something unknown or unseen. It calls to action our ability to understand that there is something we haven’t understood. That a path worked through might have a missed turn. Outer planetary stations have a halting effect. Felt about five days prior and five days after their actual turnaround point, they provoke a potent pause. As one planetary ruler of time (the Moon is the other), Saturn is aligned in many ways the archetype of the weaver. To karma. To fate. To the legacy woven when we patiently pull together details. Sometimes we have to unweave to see where errors in judgement were made. We must pull the string back through scores of threads along the loom with loving patience.

This week, the Two of Swords begs that we lend our attention to the interlude. That we discontinue decisions. That we suspend ourselves long enough in mid-action to notice that frustration is not a flame without fuel. Saturn represents our work in this world. It is the list of labor we’ve inherited in this life and the instinctive pull we feel when we listen to it. Saturn is not unkind. In fact, Saturn is the safety we find in silence. The peace promoted within an enduring pause. And when time presents itself, Saturn is also the vigor of our most worthy endeavors.

Retrograde until September 18th, 2019, Saturn will take us back to all the effort we’ve exerted since January 22nd of this year. This week, allow the Two of Swords to settle within you. Recognize that something might be amiss, and that you don’t yet need to know what it is. Allow your insight to help you find comfort with indecision. Take solace in the struggle to comprehend - realize that any obstruction of your path is actually the portal to your next steps. Entertain the idea that stepping backward might be the most supportive and instructive direction. Find gratitude in the notion that you don’t need to get it right the first time. That not yet knowing is a part of learning. That you have a right to review. Then enjoy the view, the magic of whatever is eclipsed in the moment.

WHAT EVEN IS A TAROTSCOPE? We often think of horoscopes as predictions that are specific to each astrological sign. In Ancient Greek, the term horoscope simply means "I watch the hour." To astrologers today, a horoscope is a chart that maps the planetary bodies in the sky. From this chart, we derive meaning that can influence how we work with energy. Regardless of our unique individual charts, we are ALL working with the same energy from above. Each week, I examine this energy, pull a tarot card and write a guided meditation with the collective in mind. My tarotscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. Please note that because we are all operating with our individual energy, some elements will resonate more than others. Take what you like and leave the rest. Tarotscopes are offered freely in an effort to cultivate collective healing. I am always grateful for your support in sharing this work with anyone you think it might help. If you are inspired or find support here, please consider making a donation to help sustain these weekly offerings.