The Four of Swords represents the structure we need to hold our minds accountable to the mess it might make. It epitomizes the boundaries we create with ourselves. What would happen if you could systematize the way you communicate with you? If you could outfit yourself with an anatomy for achievement? The astrology this week offers us some incredible opportunities to get shit done. In a perfected capitalist system, our work is voluntary and our yields are dependent on our individual effort. We give freely what we can and make the most of what we're given. The harder we work the more we produce. We limit our energy expense when it begins to take too large a tax. If you could afford the extra set of hands would you pay to have them hold you? If you could bring another set of ears to the conference would you hear what they’re hankering for? If you could, would you hire the voice that speaks volumes, fills your vessels, and measures success in accountability and encouragement? This week, commission yourself to create a formula that freezes your fault-finder and ripens the fruit in your vault. So you have the nerve to nestle up next to the nuisance and not get knocked around, the bite to egg you on so you get over it easy and the resources to run respectfully over rough terrain.
Affirmations from the Four of Swords: I approach each day with infinite gratitude for the opportunity to lengthen my limbs while lingering over lessons I love. I embrace the unknown because I know the limits of my leaps. I land light-footed so I’m ready to jump when I’m jazzed. I sit with the serenity that simple presence brings when I’m feeling fear. I avoid excuses that keep me counting my chickens instead of flying the coop. I attend to the talk that sounds like squawking. When my self-indulgence becomes insulting I look carefully at the criticism and consider its level of specificity. If the vixen is vague then her words are probably not valid. I make lists of at least three virtues for every vice that definitely isn’t as vile as I’m making it out to be. I verify my worth when I remember I am a human BE-ing, not a human DO-ing. I do what I like like Cardi B. I nip at negative self-talk and purr to myself ‘cause I’m the cat’s meow. My awareness enables me to see myself seeing so I abandon apathy and applaud my intellect. I’m quick with my wit and quicker with the tangible steps I take that transform my wishes into grounded goals and attainable assets.
WHAT EVEN IS A TAROTSCOPE? We often think of horoscopes as predictions that are specific to each astrological sign. In Ancient Greek, the term horoscope simply means "I watch the hour." To astrologers today, a horoscope is a chart that maps the planetary bodies in the sky. From this chart, we derive meaning that can influence how we work with energy. Regardless of our unique individual charts, we are ALL working with the same energy from above. Each week, I examine this energy, pull a tarot card and write a guided meditation with the collective in mind. My tarotscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. Please note that because we are all operating with our individual energy, some elements will resonate more than others. Take what you like and leave the rest. Tarotscopes are offered freely in an effort to cultivate collective healing. I am always grateful for your support in sharing this work with anyone you think it might help. If you are inspired or find support here, please consider making a donation to help sustain these weekly offerings.