

We trudged up the hill, breathing heavy in that way that didn’t let on how out of shape we felt, though we’d already admitted to not working out enough. The scent of grass grown too long pierced my lungs and I smiled but I couldn’t say why. Familiarity is funny that way. I searched for something to fill the silence all the while relishing the comfort of it. You asked after my parents, splintering any morsel of solace I found with small talk. Every memory an explosion lighting up the sky like a stop sign before a dead end road. A certifiable part of me wished it would go on forever. The light was good and every few seconds I longed to pause for a picture. I didn’t dare ask. We were too close to not home anymore and I was determined to jump out and hitchhike as soon as we hit the highway.

The bulk of this week is the last bit of work. Karmic Cancer catharsis – a purge that prepares for focus on our most fantastic fantasies come Leo season. Mars squared Uranus on Monday, blazing hard hurdles with a high from a trine between Venus and Jupiter Tuesday afternoon, heralding help to keep us on the open road to free with just me, myself and the universe. Fireworks sprout up along the weekend horizon as the Sun and Mars enter Leo. Come Sunday, explosions are consciousness-raising directions, bound up in beauty and abundant with action under the first new moon of eclipse season.

The Sun is a nod to the purest joy that accompanies wisdom once we’ve finished our wack jobs. If you’ve allowed a mess in the process, the clouds will part and the light will come as you roll down the hill into the valley of putting yourself first. The Sun, though we might forget, is the brightest star in our sky. This week, if you’re feeling lost while looking over shoulders, letting go, or leaping to please, then take a tender turn to your True North. Make a list of what you’ve learned and rejoice with awareness for everything that’s not up to you and appreciation for achievable, exciting endeavors.