Pace yourself. The universe is handing you a match, lighting up your conscience. Pace yourself. So you don’t get burnt. Anger is an asset. Fire can be fruitful. But it’s not the only key to winning. The Ace of Wands acts as a warning and a guiding light. It says wherever you are right now, is okay. If you’re screaming on the outside, on the inside, on the other side, it’s okay. If you’re silent, pausing, paralyzed in fear, it’s still okay. This is just the beginning. You will have ample opportunity to show up. Take care of yourself so you can take care of each other. Because this is not okay.
Our collective power depends on all of us. Individually. Communally. We each have a role in the show and you damn well better learn your lines. But don’t get caught up learning somebody else’s. Some might mobilize through the streets. Some sit in radical silence till they know what’s what. Others send phones ringing off hooks. Still more practice perpetual smiles, hugs, words and letters of affirmation to strangers of various backgrounds and creeds. All of these actions and more are valuable. This production is a mass collaboration so let go of any guilt you’re carrying because you’re not playing a part that is somebody else’s part to play.
Play. So you remember that there’s something to fight for. You can’t be the victim and the savior in the same scene. Find your scene. Know that self care is radical activism. The Ace of Wands is also a gift of innocence. It’s okay to not know, to come from sheltered or privileged places. You can’t control your roots. But you can ask how to help and pay attention so you really hear the answer. You can start with you, a slow burn that warms your heart and emanates to everyone you touch. This week is a good time to set intentions. The Ace ignites your impulses and lends you leverage. Use this gift of power with integrity and inspired love for collective humanity. Go your own way but extend the invitation. Express gratitude that we all have distinct rays of light to shine on our collective conscience. This is how you glimmer. This is how you stay woke.