There is a girl who gives permission. She practices radical self love, sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly. She dances everyday, collaborates with tenderness, panache, and indecision. She knits vulnerability onto her sleeve and writes herself poems that remind the world to pause, to make a little more space where space wants to grow, to give a little, to get a little. She invites everyone over for company’s sake and when her world gets too big she shakes a break to rebuild, rolls down hills and throws her legs to the sky, tall grasses laughing with her in the wind. She learns to live by living. She gives permission by trying to create a life she loves and receiving the one she is given. She self promotes by living her life. She opens the door when change comes knocking. She keeps on keepin on.
Tuesday’s new moon in Sagittarius offers us an opportunity to pour the foundation of our visions. The planetary movements that follow have us putting up artwork, moving in the sofa and plopping down in front of the fireplace to warm our hands. Moving can be a stressful task and it’s easy to get caught up in the tension that comes with opening boxes and putting everything in its place.
The Mother of Wands turns on the lights behind our eyes so we can see clearly the space for our passions. She reignites the fire in our bellies so we can trust the burning in our guts to guide our hands as we decorate the walls of our wants. She emboldens us to practice luxuriousness in taking our time with decisions for our visions. She knows that positive energy flows wherever we place it. Take this week to live fully as you prepare to be fulfilled. Savor your joy, practice radical acceptance of all you have and all you want. Dare yourself to put you to the test and pinky promise you decide you win no matter what.