Last week, we walked through the process of tension built and broken. The painful awareness of  unaligned truths. The intellectual understanding of bonds bent too far. We wept in the awesome power of our attachments. We formed alliances with our emotions. We resisted what we didn’t want. We tried to control with the force of confrontation. And in some bizarre way, this process worked to release something we may not have anticipated. 

Perhaps not what we aimed for, but also not what we were actively avoiding. The conscious mind invokes enough detachment to divine new possibilities. This week, the Daughter of Wands appears to help us make the change we now know we want to engage. She inspires us to ally ourselves with any emptiness. For when there is ample space, we have have room to evolve. The Daughter of Wands does not move in the realm of intellect, does not make physical progress, does not necessarily shift on the mental or material plane.

However, she does embody the passion contained in the flickering and forming of a flame. She holds fading light and a new spark, one in each hand. She juggles. She acts and allows. Slithers left, then right. Fills the crevices and voids that court her. 

This week is composed of aspects designed for the movement of energy simply in order to observe it. For turning out the lights in one room so we can flip on the switch in another. When we personify the Daughter of Wands, we do not judge. We do not criticize our thoughts. We do no place value, positive or negative, on another’s words or maneuvers. We do not win. We do not lose. We allow ourselves to be carried to the next level. We yield but we do not break. 

The Daughter of Wands is a student of sorts. A pupil of passion. A scholar of creativity. A fellow of faith. This week, allow yourself to overcome obstacles by yielding to them. Adapt. Shift the angle from which you experience a story. Allow your feelings to be valid but do not judge them. When we place a judgement on something, whether good or bad, we validate it. We make it real. We’ve decided that it is true. Truth is not bad. But truth can also change. If you want to change your truth, you have first remove judgement of the truth you’ve tried and treated. The work of the Daughter of Wands is to yield before judgement. To pass over passion with patience. To change her external world by focusing her gaze inwards over her heart. This week, hold your heart without reasoning or trying to rule it. Get truth right by refining, revisiting and redesigning an infinite number of times.

WHAT EVEN IS A TAROTSCOPE? We often think of horoscopes as predictions that are specific to each astrological sign. In Ancient Greek, the term horoscope simply means "I watch the hour." To astrologers today, a horoscope is a chart that maps the planetary bodies in the sky. From this chart, we derive meaning that can influence how we work with energy. Regardless of our unique individual charts, we are ALL working with the same energy from above. Each week, I examine this energy, pull a tarot card and write a guided meditation with the collective in mind. My tarotscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. Please note that because we are all operating with our individual energy, some elements will resonate more than others. Take what you like and leave the rest. Tarotscopes are offered freely in an effort to cultivate collective healing. I am always grateful for your support in sharing this work with anyone you think it might help. If you are inspired or find support here, please consider making a donation to help sustain these weekly offerings.
