The Full Moon at 19°Gemini52’ perfects at 9:12pm PST on December 11th.

The Gemini/Sagittarius polarity reveals to us the trials and requite that comes with seeking and circulating truth. It is also a spectrum that flirts with falsehood in many forms. Gemini and Sagittarius are super seekers. Knowledge whores. Information swindlers and sponsors. Philanthropists, faeries and marauders of nuanced narrative material. They are the key keepers and the open doors. They are the library lenders and the avid young readers. They are the curious kids and the adept ascetics. Perhaps most of all, they are the contradictions and their reconcilers.

Ultimately, Gemini’s dual nature implies our inherent relationship to choice. It reminds us that no matter how constrained our situation, we have an infinite number of choices. Every single thing we do or don’t do is a decision and it is our responsibility to recognize and employ our own agency. On Sunday afternoon I heard Silvia Federici speak at the Howard Zinn book fair in San Francisco. She said “The struggle is in the way we organize our daily lives.” Showing up at the protest is important. Doing the writing is important. Calling our representatives is important. And the way we choose to act in our relations, the way we psychically approach situations and the people in our immediate environment, the essential beliefs we carry about ourselves and others are all fundamental choices we make, mostly unconscious, that facilitate or obstruct effective resistance. Gemini guides us to the information we need. Gemini tries out every technique. Skips and skirts beyond anything that turns tedious. Offers us all the details and then some. Gemini encourages us to review tangential data that is definitely connected to our tenets. But we have have to be willing to to wander into it. Willing to make a switch. Willing to embrace seemingly unwelcome distractions.

Gemini and Sagittarius are the advocates and profiteers of our education. They teach us in classrooms and on the streets. They learn with us. Work through us. They know that whatever we don’t know can be used against us. The surest way to reclaim our agency when we have strong Gemini or Sagittarius placements is to educate ourselves. Is to acknowledge that the acquisition of knowledge is worth our time and effort. That informed choices are vital to our evolution. That learning is of more urgent consequence than growing.

Your horoscopes this month are designed to awaken you to your choices. To show you where you might know some things. To examine the parts of your lives that love to learn through and for you. That require your participation. Your experimentation. Your enthusiasm for the unresolved. They pursue your flexibility. They prime your capacity to fashion tools that fit your needs. They are written to teach you the art of “hacking” it under the kind of over-arching conscience that is only offered by Sagittarius season. They are not decisive but they will direct you to be diligent with your frameworks. They will demand your dedication to uncovering. They desire your drive to redesign the way you participate in the proverbial struggle. They beseech your curiosity. Whatever you do, don’t kill it.

Inspiring resources from this months horoscopes

  1. Silvia Federici on “Witches, The Commons, Reclaiming the Body and Discovering Our Power,” talk at the Howard Zinn Book Fair, December 8th, 2019 in San Francisco, CA

  2. “A Poor People-Led Revolution: Building, Manifesting and Fighting for Land, Resources and Reparations with Poverty Skola-Led Theory, Art, Words & Tears”, presentation and performance at the Howard Zinn Book Fair, December 8th, 2019 in San Francisco, CA. Check out their book and BUY DIRECTLY FROM POOR PRESS - DO NOT PURCHASE ON AMAZON https://www.poorpress.net/product-page/poverty-scholarship-poor-people-led-theory-art-words-tears-across-mama-earth

    This book will likely be used in my upcoming Anti-Oppression Apprenticeship Program, the beta-version of which begins early 2020. Read more here and sign up for a free 15-minute phone consult to see if you’re a good fit.

  3. The Numinous Podcast with Carmen Spagnola, Episode 133, Permission to Grieve with Francis Weller

If you know your rising sign and your sun sign, read both. If you only know your sun sign, that's okay too. If you like, you can read your moon sign for good measure. Horoscopes and forecasts are meant to be read as inspiration. The impact of planetary forces on our lives is more immense than we can see and a horoscope's level of resonance can vary from week to week. I suggest revisiting this page as often as you like while tasting the writing of a few other astrologers. Note which voices uplift your spirit. As always, take what you like and leave the rest. If you find support here, consider making a contribution.

horoscope for aries and aries rising

Big plans need bodies to believe in them. Legacies are made with lots of patience and profound connections that can hold under pressure. Slow your roll. Everyone has a few opportunities in their life when they can call on their kin. The way each situation unfolds cues them whether to answer this time and the next. People show up when you’ve put in the work and your effort is kind. Being right all the time makes it really hard to boot and rally when you need back-up. Keep it personal. Ask yourself if you also have the energy when you’re appealing to others for help. You might be ready for the crowd and you might need a little more time. Be decided on what you can give back before you hit dial.

horoscope for taurus and taurus rising

Wanting nice things is not a crime. Befriending them is better. Having Gemini in the second house means having a relationship to resources. You don’t try to own people. You ask and appreciate and connect to them. Wanting finances to stay forever is not only futile but oddly impractical. Riches are defined by the way you relate to them. Poverty Skola* points out that we judge the homeless for hoarding trash cans yet we admire billionaires for accumulating obscene amounts of wealth. Where is the reason in this frame of reference? We work ourselves to death trying to obtain an idea of well-being that rarely reflects a happy reality. Luxury is laying down the rules to the game. Accountability to community is an asset. Means is making something that actually makes sense to you. Change what you think is worth it. Your pockets get deeper when your values are profound and capable of transcending capitalism.

horoscope for gemini and gemini rising

Identity can be a prison. Changing it is an inevitable escape. Imagine that you are not only allowed, but encouraged to amend and adjust. You’re not here to fix, you’re here to experiment. The only constant in a turning world is the axis on which it rotates but this pole won’t stop the earth from spinning. Give yourself permission to choose frequently. Fly from one self to the next by committing to ideas that enrapture you. It’s not flaky to believe in something fully. You can shape-shift, dress to the nines, cloak yourself in camouflage and you’ll still revolve around your curiosity. Be an example of incessant waking up. Choose relatable values. Rather than trying to stop yourself from switching, consistently communicate your customizations. You are an example to us all that it’s possible to reform, refine, redo and recycle. You can entrust yourself to evolution.

horoscope for cancer and cancer rising

There is a fine line between sweet solitude and unhealthy isolation. There are an infinite number of ways to seek retreat. Support yourself with space from society. Stay in your search for humanity. Saying no to some thoughts helps you say yes to others and hard days are generally followed by softer ones. Madness is a product of looking for monsters in the dark. When you find yourself on your own, ask yourself what kind of rest is both reasonable and replenishing before your jump down the rabbit hole. You have to be ready if you want to take a risk. But you don’t have choose to risk anything if you know you’re not ready. Sometimes the universe throws us chances, trials or changes for which we feel unprepared but we rarely face anything we can’t handle by learning to let it go.

horoscope for leo and leo rising

Friends are sometimes fair weather but they don’t generally cause the storm. Dreams are dreamt swiftly but require time and many tweaks before they’re realized. Fortune can be earned with effort or randomly bestowed and it’s still only worth whatever value the beholder gives to it. The thing is, you can’t anticipate what you or anyone else will want when the circumstances change. You don’t need to worry about not desiring something you don’t yet have. It’s inappropriate to try to alter something before you’ve assembled this iteration of it. Perform for your present not for the unpredictable. Allow yourself to experiment alone and in love. Be certainly uncertain and the future will be a lot more friendly.

horoscope for virgo and virgo rising

What if the map they gave you was wrong? What if the pursuit of your calling was a private affair? What if accomplishment was always internal? What if you didn’t need to prove anything but the power to change your consciousness at will? Making meaning out of your profession is not a matter of recognition but it is a martial art. It needs your eloquent attention. Seeks your swift and fluid flexibility. Demands an open dialogue, not a one way street. Yield to whatever opportune challenge that presents itself as worthy object of focus. Learn to ask yourself rhetorical questions. These are not meant to stump you into stagnancy but to expose other options. Send the “should haves” overboard. Toss a life-raft out to intrigue. Buoy the brilliance of beginner’s mind. You don’t have to figure it out. You just have to allow yourself to enjoy the act of asking “what if?”

horoscope for libra and libra rising

Faith is less likely to waver if you make a point of waving at it. Stick out your thumb and ask it for a ride. Hitchhike down the road to no such thing as right or wrong. What if the devil were actually god? What if the details were filled with serious spiritual sustenance? What if you made a religion out of ritual rather than trying to cram your ritual into unkind creed? You can travel great distances but voyages are of little use when you don’t know the way to your heart. Your choice is not between whether or not to believe. Your choice is what to believe in. Believe that others are doing the best they can. Believe you will be heard if you call out. Believe you have beliefs. Reality is as much a god as any “religious” deity. Figure out to whom you are already praying. Then change your chant to make sure it aligns with whatever you’re actually about.


horoscope for scorpio and scorpio rising

Poverty is not a crime. Loss is not a punishment disguised as a lesson. You are not a puppet casually pulled on by some higher than thou being but there might be a being that wants to move with and through you. Whether savoring or suffering, you are assimilating a story. Carve a way through with your voice. Speak to what’s hard and real while it’s easy to see it. Lighten your load by letting go of details you don’t have to dance with. You can offer your friendship without strings attached. Without fear of cords cut before they’ve been braided. You can relate without constantly worrying about doing something wrong. Today the term ‘gossip’ describes tales told behind backs, complete with callous unconcern. But there was a time when gossip was simply a signifier of friendship. Turn to the ones with whom you can come completely undone. There will be time to tie up loose ends. Right now, allow any mental or emotional knots to sneak a little slack.


horoscope for sagittarius and sagittarius rising

There is always another way. A new narrative won’t replace what’s old and withered but it can keep you from growing stale. Being right doesn’t mean you’re not stuck. Confidence that your way works doesn’t mean another can’t help you. It’s possible to have commitments and keep things interesting. Sagittarius, queen of bold leaps into the unknown, how can you take a risk if you’ve convinced yourself you already know what will happen? Shed what you think you understand about you. Limiting beliefs may have roots in old trauma but you get to choose whether or not to bear the weight of a watering can full of blame. Rather than trying absorb more wisdom, learn to learn a different way. Be surprised at what knowledge surfaces when you choose a foreign route to finding it. Time is both infinite and limited. Prioritize your values first and notice how those long spells you need cast themselves into your schedule.

horoscope for capricorn and capricorn rising

Dreams request you to rest. Insist on your patience. Decree deep pause and profound play. Summon time to surface and space away to process. No matter what the dedicated love and light workers say, your physical body is not limitless. For someone so grounded in reality, it’s interesting how many contradictions accumulate in the frenzied affair of tending to your physical well-being. Creaky bones and chattery joints have the power to drudge up dreary spirits. And yet these guides are also great allies who draw maps on the skin’s surface and muscle under-layers. Like grandmothers whispering wisdom from the core of old and new wounds. Like bruises that blossom, begging you for a break. There will always be time to dive into work but you cannot keep at it if you don’t keep boundaries with yourself. Pray to the patron saint of too much on your plate. Remove a helping or two before it hurts you. You can go back for seconds after you’ve digested first things first.

horoscope for aquarius and aquarius rising

Friends and lovers are subject to change. Maybe they’re different or maybe you’re evolving more than you’ve been able to admit. Dreams might deteriorate. Community can contract. What was once a fortune of education reads like an empty bank of illegible notes. Or maybe, just maybe, you’ve expanded. Spiraled up and out into a neat new bed of nuance. Arrived and flown beyond understandings that once seemed like untouchable summits. Give yourself the benefit beyond the doubt. Consider that friends don’t “stick it out.” They rise up, beckon, and heed high callings. They guide you to your open doors and dare to jump when you discover a portal. Loves don’t get lost, they get bigger or let go when you recognize love has no limit and neither does your worthiness. Stop measuring. If you need a bigger god, realize it’s not the horizon that needs extending, but the confines of what you’re allowing your mind to hold. The unknown isn’t something to fight or to endure. It’s a state you can walk into so start breaking down the borders.

horoscope for pisces and pisces rising

Awakening is the art where you find your edge. Is the electric shock wave running through the moments between deep dreaming and greeting the day. Is the connection between shrouded desire and the death of your ego, all illuminated in a godlike gaze. Every time something in you wakes up, you create a bond that unifies binaries. That brings you into wholeness. That connects dots in the dark like the library lent to us by the stars. Learn to hold gratitude in one hand and grief in the other. Touch the earth while you reach for the sky. We refrain from giving space to evil because we are afraid it will overcome us. We do not speak the truth because the solidity of our voice might crystalize it. Might strap us into suffering forever. The irony in this is that acknowledging a demon lets it out. Not to run rampant in your reality but to liberate you from it. Don’t avoid your awakening. Face the dawn and thank the Sun. Embrace the truth that changes you.

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