Saturn conjoins Pluto at 22°Capricorn at 8:59AM PST on Sunday, January 12th, 2020. While you may have seen talk of this across the astro internet ether there are a few things you should know about this transit:

  1. It doesn’t happen in one day. As with most outer planetary transits, there is a slow build and a slow come down that arguably lasts a few years. We are simply at the crest of the wave.

  2. EVERYONE is affected. Everyone is experiencing struggling power dynamics. Everyone is doing the best they can with what they have. When you remember this you can remove yourself from a circular firing squad.

  3. You have already known this is happening, even if you don’t speak of it with astrological language. Capricorn is symbolized by the sea-goat, which climbs methodically to the top of the proverbial mountain but draws its resources from the waters of the deep unconscious. The pile-up of planets in Capricorn show us the most corrupt and the most divine manifestations of power. If you look around, you will see echos of this transit in events across the world.

  4. Power isn’t inherently bad or good. Power, just like capitalism, doesn’t have morals. Power is a tool and a resource. How you use power, how you take it and how you share it all inform the quality of your relationship to it. DO NOT RUN AWAY FROM YOUR POWER. If you try to do this, it will find you in unkind ways. Power can hurt but we also need power to help.

  5. This conjunction is happening in the wake of an eclipse. Eclipses block the natural light. It’s going to take some time before we fully understand the effects of the current energy.

  6. The world self-corrects, even with natural disasters. Humans are not the center of the universe. Human-elitism is a corrupt manifestation of power. But if the universe expands in all directions, every place, every being in the universe is the center. Enlightenment, yoga and other ontological exercises are practices of loving acceptance. This doesn’t mean we claim that unfair things are fair. It means we acknowledge what they are in this reality and we learn from it.

  7. Saturn is restriction. Pluto is obsession with power. When someone applies power-over, thereby taking power away from someone else, the experience of the latter is similar to feeling caged, imprisoned by the corrupt individual or system. When you are rendered physically powerless you must learn to focus on the things they can’t take from you: your spirit and heart, your ideals and beliefs, your courage and love and willingness to tell the truth.

Spirituality is central to activism. If you’re struggling with your place in power-over systems and you work in wellness, have a look at my upcoming Anti-Oppression course. Apprenticeship will begin early April. I am accepting a limited number of applicants to keep the group in a safely held container. Schedule a 15min phone consult with me here to see if you’re a good fit.

If you know your rising sign and your sun sign, read both. If you only know your sun sign, that's okay too. If you like, you can read your moon sign for good measure. Horoscopes and forecasts are meant to be read as inspiration. The impact of planetary forces on our lives is more immense than we can see and a horoscope's level of resonance can vary from week to week. I suggest revisiting this page as often as you like while tasting the writing of a few other astrologers. Note which voices uplift your spirit. As always, take what you like and leave the rest. If you find support here, consider making a contribution.

horoscope for aries and aries rising

Work will not redeem you when you don’t need redeeming. You can’t fix yourself in a broken system. See that it’s the system that isn’t sensible. You don’t need it to make sense. You need it not to. When you stop trying to get a seat at the table you’re free to overturn it.

horoscope for taurus and taurus rising

Knowing something is easy. Believing is hard. Knowing creates limits. Believing breaks them. Know less, believe more. Knowledge is power that can be taken when reality collapses before you. Beliefs are yours to have, to hold and to reinforce.

horoscope for gemini and gemini rising

There is a difference between a gift and a reward. Hard work doesn’t always earn gold stars and gifts don’t need a reason to be given. Corruption exists because we’ve made giving conditional. Giving and receiving both feel good and this fact is the only foundation you need to practice them.

horoscope for cancer and cancer rising

Partnerships are never perfect. People aren’t the problem. Become an authority in what you want. Give yourself permission to see old relationships in new ways. The people can stay. How you hold them is a mirror for how you handle your own power.

horoscope for leo and leo rising

Sickness isn’t a sin. Pain isn’t a punishment or even a propellor for growth - but it can be. Allow your pain to point out the problems in socially imposed ideas. The way you treat your body reflects whether you are enabling or challenging ableism. Your body isn’t limitless but you can put a limit on any negative narrative being fed to it.

horoscope for virgo and virgo rising

The starving artist is a glorified narrative fed to you to keep creative problem solvers from breaking up the power party. Don’t aspire to their fucked up fairytales. If you’re trying to make magic you’ve got to allow yourself every resource.

horoscope for libra and libra rising

A lineage is just a line and in many ways it’s an important one. But it doesn’t get to define you because when your lineage touches you it hands you the pen. No matter how straight or tilted, your line is as fine as you decide to draw it.


horoscope for scorpio and scorpio rising

Precision is relative to what you see as perfect. It’s no good to pray to a god you can’t touch, nor to one you wouldn’t allow to touch you. The sacred doesn’t need your precision as much as it needs your love. Love your prayers and they will always be perfect.


horoscope for sagittarius and sagittarius rising

They can take away your resources but nobody can take away your worth. The work you need to do is in understanding the difference between inherence and contingence. Physical things are provisional but your soul is priceless so stop trying to buy and sell it. 

horoscope for capricorn and capricorn rising

You can talk shit about the system all you want but your words mean little until you stop participating. Release yourself from the pressure of what is broken. Rest for peace. Rest for patience. Rest because rest is the most powerfully productive thing you can do right now. 

horoscope for aquarius and aquarius rising

It’s rarely fun to be ahead of the game when you have to be the first to stop playing. “Going mad” is really just recognizing that the sense the world made doesn’t make sense at all. Keen perception is isolating until you acknowledge the power it grants you by fully using it.

horoscope for pisces and pisces rising

Desires are a kind of expectation but expectations are seldom desirable. Expect less and desire more of yourself. A desire evolves into a dream when you’ve given it the wisdom of time. Becomes more real with the authority of your alliances. Dream yourself into good company.

If you find yourself nourished by my offerings, think about making a donation. Please know you are more important to me than your money. Your support helps me to continue offering what I can, when I can.
