The Empress is a symbol of fertility. A sign of pending sweetness, like low fruit, ripe for picking. As we edge deeper into Cancer season waters, the Empress gently nudges us to embrace desires that will ultimately help us grow. That will serve us by helping us soften. That will season our symbiotic relationship with everything in our environment.

The current pileup of planets in Capricorn can have us leaning towards work. Wants us to learn a lesson about our relationship to labor. Stresses the subject of our competence and augments arguments with harsher judgement than might be accurate. This astrology, if ill-expressed, encourages repression of any kind of need. But Capricorn is ultimately the “antelope of the deep waters”*, drawing from a rich well of incredible consciousness. Cancer and Capricorn go hand in hand. Strike a balance in our work by bolstering our creative fire. By calling us back to places that feel home enough to hold us in between many a laborious task. As we edge towards a Full Solar Eclipse in Cancer, the Empress advises us that denying the energy of desire can be incredibly damaging. To teach ourselves to want for nothing, out of fear of not getting or not deserving it, is to cut off the very piece of ourselves that breathes life into all of our connection.

This week, try to tap into a fertile place inside you. What wants are begging you to hold them up to the light? What seeds that could nourish you are dying of thirst? What imaginative territory feels barren simply because you haven’t given it any attention? What creative juices would be especially sweet if you would simply allow yourself to taste them? Note that this space doesn’t need to be enormous. A seed can be transferred but first needs to sprout. The Empress stimulates even the smallest plots of most scorched soil. Persuades the rain to pour over whatever might be parched. Give yourself permission to feel a craving. Greet your impulses with elation. Offer your aspirations, eagerness, and wishes up to the universe. Practice believing, even for just one second, that they might be worth it. That the universe might be affirming of your attraction. Whatever you focus on grows, so you might as well feed something lovely with the honor of your own attention.

*Jason Holley, Capricorn in Myth and Psyche: Discovering the Antelope of the Deep Waters, Astrology University, January 2018

WHAT EVEN IS A TAROTSCOPE? We often think of horoscopes as predictions that are specific to each astrological sign. In Ancient Greek, the term horoscope simply means "I watch the hour." To astrologers today, a horoscope is a chart that maps the planetary bodies in the sky. From this chart, we derive meaning that can influence how we work with energy. Regardless of our unique individual charts, we are ALL working with the same energy from above. Each week, I examine this energy, pull a tarot card and write a guided meditation with the collective in mind. My tarotscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. Please note that because we are all operating with our individual energy, some elements will resonate more than others. Take what you like and leave the rest. Tarotscopes are offered freely in an effort to cultivate collective healing. I am always grateful for your support in sharing this work with anyone you think it might help. If you are inspired or find support here, please consider making a donation to help sustain these weekly offerings.