A whole must hold all the parts.

As I looked at the chart for this Full Moon, my eyes scanned for a story. A single story. Therein lies the problem. I caught myself trying to figure it out. To concretize an explanation in a living web that is only ever extending more curiosities. 

This Full Moon in Scorpio is ruled by Mars in Aquarius, bestowing upon us an ensnaring obsession. Be careful of the attempt to reach understanding as if it were some final destination.

The Scorpio/Taurus polarity sometimes seeks to possess amidst the hunt for safety. Yet, the passion their myths engender climax not in the security of love and holding on, but in the crack of anger and fear when what they’ve held dear is taken. When Artemis, betrayed, sends a scorpion to sting Orion. When terror clutches Europa as Zeus whisks her suddenly off to Crete. Passion is life-force, springing from the challenge of sudden change and instability.

Tangential to dear luna, Venus in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces, preparing for a long illusory retrograde trial. Stories entwined and reconstructed. Fabricated and foiled. Dipping over and under like a game of cats cradle. Donna Haraway says “these string figures are thinking as well as making practices, pedagogical practices and cosmological performances.” Venus in Gemini loves a good role play. Adores the practice as performance. Entreats our inner trickster and promises an endless supply of twists and turns.

This moon refuses to be reconciled.

The force with which it impacts our charts will depend largely on where your personal astrological placements are in the “right time, right place.”

This moon is untamable. Beast, but only a burden if you attempt to bridle it. 

We have tried to domesticate this virus. To break it in. To subdue it with distance, restrain it with masks, conquer it with soap and vaccines. We have made it our enemy. We have even tried to neutralize it by imagining it as a friend, come to expose the kyriarchy.

Perhaps we strolled astray the moment we attempted to name it. Some of us have called this virus an act of god or a governmental conspiracy. We are so caught up in looking for cause and effect that we can’t see the predictability of our wrestling match with reason. We incessantly endeavor to scratch the itch of uncertainty. To possess truth. What if this virus, this struggle, this unruly-as-all-hell plot cannot be named into submission? What then?

What if there is no return to normal? What if normal is inherently disobedient? What if normal is defined and justified by queerness? Vindicated by and dependent on our awkward reorganization around an unfathomable center.

One of the things I adore about astrology is that we will never see an exact replica of any alignment of every planet. It is impossible. Yet we use this language of relativity to explain almost anything. It is as malleable as a virus and as useful as we permit.

Astrology knows there is no normal. 

What if we could stop aiming for a return? What if we could speak more publicly about the joy we’ve found these last couple of months and the fear of going back? What if we could dive deeper under the covers, not to hide, but to rummage voraciously through the dark? To build a tent out of sheets, shine our flashlights and cast our shadow puppets like spells weaving stories across the walls? What if the concept of normal is the illusion?

The Indigenous youth for Wet’suwet’en said it best:

Reconciliation is dead.”

They were speaking of the land that was stolen and communities which were ravaged and treaties that were broken by the so-called elite. The treaties weren’t broken - they were born in destruction. False imaginings in the first place. There is nothing left to restore. Perhaps there never was.

Astrology suggests we are in a permanent and lawless wheel of metamorphosis.

My attempts to describe how we are fugitives on an earth that is not infected but creative will always fall short. Because language is limited and naming a thing is just a practice of situating in time and place and only permits those who speak the language to comprehend. And even then comprehension is dependent on interpretation.

Language itself is a renegade. When words escape us, to what do we hold on?

We don’t.

We let go. We dissolve. We adjust and reorient and pivot. We root ourselves in conjecture.

The astrology right now is like a cancer, attacking many cells of a chart (if we may call the houses cells for a moment). So we dress the wounds that bleed the most profusely. And this talent of prioritization, of exchange, of determining what surface to touch first and knowing how to switch between limbos - this is what Gemini does well.

You see, naming is an act of faith. Because anything you name is subject to change. Is beholden to misinterpretation and respelling and renaming. As if anybody, even the thing that is named, could take itself away from you. IT can. And so naming is all at once futile and necessary. But naming cannot seek to possess. For as soon as we tape something up in a box of words it can be ripped open, let out, torn apart.   

Instead of making sense, make mystery.

Instead of restoring, reimagine. Instead of waiting for shelter-in-place to blow over, create a shrine out of this story that great-grandchildren will one day hear. When those who live to name arrive, welcome them. Laugh and learn from the names they give to things. Warn them that a name will evolve. Remind them that this is a good thing.

The Venus retrograde cycle through Gemini will show us that naming things is an act of love and an act of war. It is also an art. Names like wild strokes across a canvas. Names like Monet’s lilies and names like Ghandi’s lotus. To name is to show and tell. They can take away your names but they cannot take away your power to name a thing. Even if you lose your tongue you say the name over and over in your head. You say your name with your own language. With the sway of your hips. With the gleam in your eyes and the stone in your throat and the twitch of your first crooked finger.

Your horoscopes this month will name some things. Don’t hold on. Don’t be afraid to change them.

Inspirations while writing this piece:

  1. Bayo Akomolafe, “I, Corona Virus. Mother. Monster. Activist.”, Emergence Network.

  2. Teju Adisa-Farrar, “On Remapping Our World”, Interview by Ayana Young, For the Wild Podcast, Episode 177.

  3. Sylvia Lindsteadt, “Kalliope, The Muse”, Kalliope’s Sanctum Podcast, Episode 1.

  4. Donna J. Haraway, "Playing String Figures with Companion Species”, in Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene (Durham: Duke University Press, 2016), 7-29.

  5. Marcella Kroll, Priestess, (Los Angeles: Not a Cult Media, 2019).

  6. Yael Schonzeit, “Ancestral Song Practice”, interview by Michael Stone, Shift Network Shamanism Global Summit, 2019.

  7. Joanna Macy, “Finding Peace in a Crazy World”, interview by Waylong Lewis, Walk the Talk Show.

  8. Jacks McNamara, Inbetweenland, (Oakland: Deviant Type Press), 2013.

  9. Richard Siken, “Saying Your Names”, in Crush, (New Haven: Yale University Press), 2005.

If you know your rising sign and your sun sign, read both. If you only know your sun sign, that's okay too. If you like, you can read your moon sign for good measure. Horoscopes and forecasts are meant to be read as inspiration. The impact of planetary forces on our lives is an elaborate puzzle and a horoscope's level of resonance can vary from week to week. I suggest revisiting this page as often as you like while tasting the writing of a few other astrologers. Note which voices uplift your spirit. As always, take what you like and leave the rest. If you find support here, consider making a contribution.

horoscope for aries and aries rising

You are a rally-er. In the face of sharp edges, tangled snags and too high hurdles, you somehow have the strength to keep calling on the collective. Even when you are worn out. Even when the fight is unfair; when you meet a match you strike it. This is an unparalleled resource. To start the fire whether or not you know they will come. It’s easy to feel longing for local council but right now your blessings exist at the extremities of near and far. Have tolerance for the intangible. This too is an occasion to which you can rise.

horoscope for taurus and taurus rising

A gift is not always a message that you should stay put. Not an affirmation of where you are. Nor an attestation of whether or not you are enough. Sometimes, a gift is really just a beckoning. An endorsement of the open door. A promise of possibility. Consider that what you are being given is just a peek through a new loophole. A crevice you can breath life into. A fortune of relief for many thousand ways forward.

horoscope for gemini and gemini rising

If you want to love yourself, you have to be willing to love your shadow. Croon to your criatura. Sweep the floor of your rock bottom. Seek refuge in cages you have traced. Do not forget to draw yourself a key. Let your light in with you. Slump against the wall and watch wild fervor with wonder. However long it takes, revel in your own ferocity. When the soul is finally spent, lean head on shoulder till its ear can hear the warmth within.  

horoscope for cancer and cancer rising

If it’s difficult, do it with help. If it’s dark, do not expect the same ability to power through the day. If it’s lonely, love is near because you will know you are needing it. You can reach for more than one hand. Your heart is more easily held by a pack. Your intensity is a suggestion of unfathomable will to forge a fresh path. Make sure it is wide enough to walk with pride, long enough to find yourself if you get lost, and soft enough for a rest whenever you need it.

horoscope for leo and leo rising

What is a child if not a tapestry of all the beings who helped paint them? Look to the past and you will find many hundreds of parents helping you home. Look to the present and you will see a crowd of encouraging voices speaking as your kin. A wild root system makes for the most luxurious trees. The branches of your life-child may need pruning but this is only so it can erupt in unexpected blossoms. They will flourish when you feed them.

horoscope for virgo and virgo rising

Sometimes spirit needs a station where its train can arrive. Not a home it will never leave, but a holy place where hearts can procure prophecies. Not the kind that tell the future - not like that. Your spirit needs a place to be in. That place of gasping rhythmic breath. That place filled with poetry which inspires the words that carve the next few footprints in the sand. Find that place where the kindling lives. Gather round the starting fire for a story or two.

horoscope for libra and libra rising

Inheritance can lighten loads but it can also hoard them. It can help and it can haunt. It needs your closeness and your distance. You do not have to sever your ties. You do not have to grip them too tight. Have faith that the threads which are meant to hold are strong enough. Untangle yourself. Remember, not everything you have is yours and not everything needs to be earned. Not even love, whether you are giving or receiving it. 


horoscope for scorpio and scorpio rising

This isn’t about individual reciprocity. This isn’t a game of back and forth and you can’t win by throwing the ball in someone else’s court. Duality is an illusion that will keep you trapped between two points. If you are stuck, be like the spider that weaves its own silk. Unfold your fibers. Send them out in all directions. Confront the past by calling on your elders. Create a web that is wild enough to catch more than two for company.


horoscope for sagittarius and sagittarius rising

Sometimes a dancer needs a drummer to find their rhythm. A partner to know which step leads and which will follow. And a melody to make it all a ritual. Routines can be sacred when they are shared. Simplified when someone offers gentle amendments. Ask for help with editing. Seek out the sweetness that structure helps you savor. Your way may be right and so may another’s. Only experience can tell. If truth is in the eye of the beholder, let yourself be held.

horoscope for capricorn and capricorn rising

If you want to enchant, you must allow yourself to be allured. If you want to be loved, your earth must be soft enough for hands to enter it. If you want to share yourself with the world, you have to remember that what you have is worth sharing. Begin by touching your body like the miracle that it is. Forcing yourself to untold depths will cause immense frustration. Might render you freezing cold. Sometimes it’s necessary to rest on the surface. Sometimes your skin needs a superficial caress to tell your tender muscles they’re okay.

horoscope for aquarius and aquarius rising

Breaks can bear the greatest blessings. Severance may serve some much needed simplicity. Sometimes you have to break up with yourself to get it all back together. Leaving means you can call home and send your love. Deaths and endings often ache but they will also rouse an echo of the most precious stories. The tale sustains itself in pieces until you are ready to tell it.

horoscope for pisces and pisces rising

How do you pin down what is passing? You stay close, even if your dreams are far. You place it in time and then you agree to feel the sand slip through your fingers. You evolve with and revolve around and you do only what can be done right now. Learning happens when the moment mutates enough to infuse itself within you. Make kin with your context. Draw a circle of protection around your present. Shelter in the study of stems that have only just been placed in water and still need time to root.

If you resonate with your horoscope and you want to go deeper into the astrology of your personal natal chart or take a look at your upcoming transits, you can book a reading with me.