
Important reminders for eclipses:

  1. Rest. rest. rest.

  2. During an eclipse, the light goes out. Things we can see under normal circumstances become invisible. Don’t underestimate what you can’t see.

  3. The effects of eclipses are powerful and lasting. You don’t have to DO all that much and dramatic changes will still occur, whether you like them or not.

  4. The nodes of the moon are activated during eclipses, sort of like portals. These portals let some things in and other things go rather rapidly. The issue is that this can happen for both ‘good’ and ‘bad’ things.

  5. Avoid magic, trying to manifest or other activities that further open those portals. You are more likely at this time than at other moments to manifest something you don’t want.

  6. Not everything that happens on eclipses is bad.

  7. Did I mention rest? Rest. Lay low. Take some time off the screen. Chill out. Give yourself a much needed break.

If you know your rising sign and your sun sign, read both. If you only know your sun sign, that's okay too. If you like, you can read your moon sign for good measure. Horoscopes and forecasts are meant to be read as inspiration. The impact of planetary forces on our lives is an elaborate puzzle and a horoscope's level of resonance can vary depending on many intersecting placements in your personal chart. I suggest revisiting this page as often as you like while tasting the writing of a few other astrologers. Note which voices uplift your spirit. As always, take what you like and leave the rest. If you find support here, consider making a contribution.

horoscope for aries and aries rising

When we labor for what we love, the let downs and the uplifts both come more swiftly. Whether awful or awesome, each is simply another awakening, like the Sun’s ceaseless revelation of morning. Accept who’s unavailable and you’ll soon see who is more than ready to redistribute with you. Beliefs bring you into community. Experiences bring you closer. Be deep in the day with whoever is eager to share it.

horoscope for taurus and taurus rising

At our greatest heights we have the furthest to fall. When we have everything we wanted, we begin to see what’s missing. In these moments, you can fall into re-membering yourself. Shed the layers of labels imposed upon you. Recognize the values that keep you true. Skin is a resource that protects and restricts. This is a time when the shape, texture and size of your skin is pliant, easily recovered, but also suggestible. As you brace for another big change, bolster yourself with options that give you a skin spacious enough to grow into.

horoscope for gemini and gemini rising

Choice and agency are mutually beneficial. Recognize one and the other grows strong. Part of getting free is becoming the authority of your own beliefs. Believe in your capacity to choose and you will begin to see options are everywhere. Also recognize that discernment without cadence is jumping to conclusions. Caving to chaos. Obscuring information that helps you decide. The keen awareness you need will emerge earnestly in solitude, so make sure you seek plenty of it.

horoscope for cancer and cancer rising

Hysterics make for good stories. Meaningful metaphors. A slew of startlingly on-point symbolism. Mourning losses with all kinds of intentional acts doesn’t make you extreme, it makes you purposeful. We weren’t made for relentless disassociation. Grieving is a most essential part of human-ing. As you open the gates to where you get to let go, recognize the substance in your current narratives. Make sure you emerge from that glorious mess with a message to share.

horoscope for leo and leo rising

When you are centered in yourself, you attract the best of the edge walkers, gatekeepers and border-breakers. Yet your vision is not reserved for that which keeps us othered. Shine your clear light where community convenes. Gather a crew that revolves around curiosity. Resist assimilation but avoid labeling yourself as separate. Add your spice to the sauce but don’t overpower it. You can be real without being righteous, and so can the ones you want to keep around.

horoscope for virgo and virgo rising

Your legacy is multi-spirited. Your career can be manifold; in role, in time, and in principle. Decide to leave behind a diverse volume of endeavors. Dedicate it to everything your two hands have touched. Recognize that failure is not defined by being undecided. Know that success is the sublime experience of hearing your story in a thousand different tones. And understand that a culminating work is undercut when you’re overstimulated. Rest is not out of reach but you do need to reach for it.

horoscope for libra and libra rising

With every surprise loss there is also a sigh of relief, a gasp of inspiration, and a breath of myriad possibilities. You don’t need a dogma of eternal indecision. You just need conviction that multiple truths can coexist. Recognize that ambivalence is simply the capacity to feel more than one way simultaneously. This kind of nuance is not a disadvantage but being with it is a hard-won skill. Allow yourself to follow many creeds and you will be connected with community that can care for you. 


horoscope for scorpio and scorpio rising

If the loss is too much, you can take it in glimpses. Hold it a little in this way, then that. There is more than one occasion for grief. There is no dress code for the event of letting go. No perfect tone or pitch for whatever lament lays itself down before you. But there is lightness in the rites of it. There is softening in ceremony. Alleviation in observance of the affair, even from afar. Find strength in rituals that help you revel in the wonder of endings. Draft a plan for profound farewells. Make a blueprint for rest and for reckoning and follow it through, however unconventional.


horoscope for sagittarius and sagittarius rising

Maybe becoming lost is also making home in the unknown. Maybe that which falls apart is the consequence of you falling back to yourself. Maybe that chorus of voices calling you every which way is an invitation to be in kin’s corner. Respect whatever discord emerges in community, in your body, in visions for a changed future. You can honor tradition while breaking from what is well tried but no longer true. 

horoscope for capricorn and capricorn rising

Part of self-sovereignty is consenting to the progression of your changing convictions. This notion is enough to inspire anger, provoke paranoia and ignite lunacy. You, who are most rooted in enduring reason, must learn to embrace absurdity. Acknowledge that life is not always reasonable. Resist the urge to rectify whatever you’re finding ridiculous. Solutions arise with rest and patience. Healthy restrictions prolong our reserves for the unpredictable. Moderation makes for more resilience when reality is erratic. And sometimes, collapse is just common sense.

horoscope for aquarius and aquarius rising

Being one-size-fits-all is a sure way to diminish your distinctive flavor. You can’t be particular and please everyone. But you can be exceptionally understanding in extreme situations. You can be remarkably wise in knowing when to endure difficult dialogue and when it’s better for you to dip. You can be extraordinarily patient and excellent at slowing down the pace of whatever presents itself. Apply your creative prowess to conflict and resolution. Ask for reciprocity as you learn new tools that enhance your resilience.

horoscope for pisces and pisces rising

If the outlet you’re using is fried, you might have too many cables trying to charge. An unnecessary number of wires tangled in your nest. An absurd total of tabs open on your task list. It’s okay to find freedom in your many impressive feats. But the necessary structure of the moment might be a pause from incessant professionalism. Be the glitch you need to unplug. Give yourself a little slack before the cord breaks. Solving for simple isn’t adding more to solutions. Consider that the savvy thing to do is not so much.

If you resonate with your horoscope and you want to go deeper into the astrology of your personal natal chart or take a look at your upcoming transits, you can book a reading with me.