Pisces and Virgo form the axis that I call the polarity of healing. Healing, by nature, implies a wound. A sickness that causes suffering. A disease that distorts what once was clear.

And yet, illness is a grand illuminator. Symptoms are rarely indicative of a virus’s source but illness encourages us to reflect upon the cause before we can create a cure.

In light of these thoughts, let us regard the current pandemic of Corona Virus not as the root illness, but a superficial symptom of a festering infection.

Of course it is important to treat a symptom while we seek to understand the cause. Of course we should wash our hands, take care of our bodies, conserve our resources, rest, and stay home when our immunity is compromised. But these are things we should always do. See Dori Midnight’s recent reflections wash your hands.

The myth from which the zodiac sign Pisces originates tells a story not so different from our current epidemic. The tale situates itself near the end of the Titans long and mighty reign and before the Olympians came into command:

In this time of shifting power, the Titans created the greatest monster ever known, a mixture of man and beast to help restore them to rulership. But this monster, known as Typhonis, was of such wild and gargantuan proportions that it spun out of their control, wreaking havoc on the Titans and Olympians alike. In its fury, the Typhon chases after two of the most innocent gods, Aphrodite and Eros. Being neither warriors, nor proponents of war, Aphrodite and Eros escape by jumping together into the Euphrates river. Tying a cord between them so as not to lose one another, they transform into two fish and swim on into the safety of the infinite.

This story tells us much about our current dilemma. The Typhon, bringer of destruction and chaos, was born into an already chaotic overturning. Power was already hoarded and exerted to extreme proportions. The masses were already unhappy. Revolution was already underway.

True, there is no such thing as innocence and purity in our world. True that escapism isn’t necessarily a healthy way to cope with chaos. Yet, there is wisdom in the escape of Aphrodite and Eros. Under the threat of brute force, love and innocence recognize that fighting chaos is futile. Instead, they tie themselves together. Abandon fury. Wash themselves clean in the waters of life. The most compassionate act they can take is to save each other.

There is little we can do individually to stop the reign of terror of which this virus is a indicator and a cause. But there is much we can do to support community and kin.

Greed has no place here. Panic is a product of unpreparedness. Hoarding supplies is a horrible symptom of fear that puts the innocent who are already at risk in danger.

The best way we can respond to crisis is to harness our infinite care. Is to recognize that power will not save us. Is to see that anything done in service of the collective is embarking on the road towards wellness.

We are, collectively, as healthy as whoever is the most ill. This includes the single mom who can’t get healthcare. The fish who are fighting their way through pounds of plastic. The trees burning in forests where rain once reigned.

Your horoscopes this month are designed to help you find yourself so you can support your kin in chaos. Remember that health is many-fold. Breathe deeply and regularly. Cry often. Ask for support, the kind that feeds you physically and the kind that holds a heavy heart. Rest. Rest. Rest. Regulate your body, mind and spirit so you can show up to this environment we cannot escape. Love yourself so you can value yourself so you can be of service. Everyone is both needed and deserving.

If you know your rising sign and your sun sign, read both. If you only know your sun sign, that's okay too. If you like, you can read your moon sign for good measure. Horoscopes and forecasts are meant to be read as inspiration. The impact of planetary forces on our lives is more immense than we can see and a horoscope's level of resonance can vary from week to week. I suggest revisiting this page as often as you like while tasting the writing of a few other astrologers. Note which voices uplift your spirit. As always, take what you like and leave the rest. If you find support here, consider making a contribution.

horoscope for aries and aries rising

Too much enthusiasm for the movement can sweep you into self-sacrifice. You don’t have to give yourself away in order to give to others. The warmth of your fire is more effective when you’ve got logs to spare.

horoscope for taurus and taurus rising

Genuine love can surprise you with your own selflessness. Can extract you from your ego. Can permeate boundaries that stifle your bliss. If you weren’t worried how you would be perceived, what service would sweep you off your feet? Don’t let fear stop you from expressing how fully in love you are with the world. 

horoscope for gemini and gemini rising

A shooting star doesn’t need an audience to shine. Connecting is more crucial than being seen. Take delight in the space behind the digital scenes. You can reach into the shadows. Glow in the privacy of what’s personal to you. 

horoscope for cancer and cancer rising

Rather than killing time, bring time to life. Fall into the fullness available in each slice of a cycle. Sit in the sweetness of patience. Travel in the rich affair of spaciousness. Time can tell you many things but you have to listen to it.

horoscope for leo and leo rising

Money isn’t inherently bad. It can be the medicine that cures a cold. The food that fills a tummy. The gift you give that bolsters your heart so its beams are full of grace. Too much of anything is no fun but “just enough” implies wholeness. Your resources are meant to move you. Let them.

horoscope for virgo and virgo rising

Falling off the face of the map often means finding yourself deep in the territory. Success isn’t measured by how fast you can switch between sixteen open tabs. It’s okay to take solace away from the empty stream that is the screen. Drink from the waters of presence.

horoscope for libra and libra rising

Sometimes the work can’t be measured. Shouldn’t be allowed to be analyzed. Doesn’t need an arbitrary scale that determines whether or not it’s real. Often, the work is simply feeling. Is fuller when invisible. Better off indescribable. When you’re not meeting some proverbial objective, you’re free to burrow yourself in supportive connection, like a seed pursuing earth.


horoscope for scorpio and scorpio rising

The romance of individualism is ridden with expectations. Demands and opinions you project onto yourself are rarely helpful allies and perfection wouldn’t make you more approachable. Liberate yourself from exceptionalism and you find acceptance. When you see that most things are not about you, you will also see how much others want to include you just as you already are.


horoscope for sagittarius and sagittarius rising

What would you change if you were guaranteed no outcome? If resolution weren’t an option? If you understood your goals to be so infinite they can’t be reached? Do what you would do anyway. Repair wounds you can touch and tend. Act as close to infinite as you can get. This isn’t holding false hope for a better future. It’s answering the calling of right now.

horoscope for capricorn and capricorn rising

When you remove the surface of self-doubt, the pool of devaluation and the sea of depression, what reservoir are you left to soak in? The waters here are clear. Work done in excess dilutes your capacity to experience the work itself as sacred. When you can feel the point where love sours into worry, you will know when to stop.

horoscope for aquarius and aquarius rising

Your worth isn’t measured by your money but everyone is better off when you’re well-resourced. Saying no to things you need out of pride, spite or fear of not being enough won’t make you more worthy. Accept whatever help wants to find its way to you. Give from the understanding that abundance dies in fear and thrives in flow.

horoscope for pisces and pisces rising

Being supported is arguably better than being saved. Rescue can sound like a sweet escape but quick fixes rarely build the stamina needed for survival. Let the earth hold you while you stand on your own two feet. Effort earns you esteem.

If you resonate with your horoscope and you want to go deeper into the astrology of your personal natal chart or take a look at your upcoming transits, you can book a reading with me.