Tuesday Dec 11, 2018
3:38 AM PST: Mercury in Scorpio inconjunct Uranus in Aries, both at 28°53’
Uranus in Aries is the progressive techy who’s committed to coding the best program for personal fun. When provoked by Uranus in this roundabout way, Mercury might be pushed to reveal hidden feelings long-repressed. Give the messenger some space to gather himself back together. If your relationships revisit old rages, recognize that you’ve seen this pattern before. Do what you can to take care of you. Emotional honesty is painful. Ultimately, the most important thing is to be the loving witness who honors your own feelings. Leave others’ to their own prerogative. Outbursts come partially form the outside, likely aren’t your fault and are probably caused by a buildup of external stories. Uranus loves space so take all you need if communication hurts.

5:26 PM PST: Sun in Sagittarius semi-sextile Pluto in Capricorn, both at 19°57’
A little blindsided by Pluto’s power, the Sun might be stewing about all the fun we could have had. Pluto has a plan and the Sun in Sagittarius has access to infinite optimism that supports easy adjustments. Surprise doesn’t have to suck. Look for the good in your situation and jump in. These two pack a lot of power together and you have an opportunity to make major strides onward and upwards when you get out of your own way.

Wednesday, December 12th
3:43pm PST: Mercury re-enters Sagittarius
Having uncovered all his hidden sentiments in Scorpio, Mercury soars back into Sagittarius with easier access to bluntness. Mercury in Sagittarius is not known for tact but it is admired for the art of telling the truth. In Sagittarius until January 4th, 2019 Mercury wants to use this time to help you practice emotional honesty. While Mercury in Sagittarius can sometimes be insensitive, its enthusiasm doesn’t go unnoticed. Moreover, any planet in Sagittarius can direct itself with an overarching truth or principle. Look for ways to mean what you say and seek an air of kindness while you’re at it.

Friday, December 14
7:59 AM PST: Venus in Scorpio semi-sextile Jupiter in Sagittarius, both at 8°02’
Finally making her way back through Scorpio, Venus can be a little sultry. This aspect brings the element of the unexpected and in strategy-oriented Scorpio, planets don’t love to be surprised. That said, Venus and Jupiter are generally very content comrades and in this case, Jupiter is probably bringing a great gift to the party. Look carefully for what you’re being given. It might be more obvious than stealthy. Let go a little and practice receiving.

Sunday, December 16th
6:26 AM PST: Venus in Scorpio sextile Saturn in Capricorn, both at 9°34’
This is the third and final sextile Venus will make to Saturn from the sign of Scorpio. Sextiles are like harmonizing conversations between planets. As the relationship expert, Venus tried twice before in her retrograde journey (think back to Sept 12th and Oct 24th) to collaborate with stabilizing Saturn but was twice thwarted by other complications. Venus and Saturn together want to form some kind of commitment. The third time’s the charm. Venus in Scorpio wants loyalty or destruction. If you made it all the way through Venus’ retrograde journey together, this is an invitation to redefine partnerships by offering them clearer structure. Start alone by defining your own boundaries. Then say what you need. Be okay with not getting it. Focus on the goal. If you see there’s no way to get there and they’re not willing to work with you, let go and leave. Open your heart to new avenues and let the universe help you out with what you can’t do for yourself. Commit to what you’re available for and show up 100%. This aspect might take a little work but these two planets, both direct, have long-term goals and the love to support them through it. Enduring effort is the medicine for long-lasting stability.

10:57 PM PST: Mars in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn, both at 20°07’
Now that Venus and Saturn had the mature conversation, Mars and Pluto swoop in to make the shifts. Mars in Pisces can be a little depressed and action can sometimes feel hopeless. But with support from Pluto, Mars in Pisces is extremely adaptable and can also make use of almost anything in his fight for the least seen, most distressed parts of ourselves and communities. This can lead us to incredibly creative problem-solving within painfully oppressive systems. Think outside the box. Be willing to re-imagine what relationships should look like. Take action that affirms a structure of support that works for you. It’s vital, when building this new foundation, that we look to the shadows, the struggle and the underdogs for their insight on what can be improved and their ideas about how to make positive change. Introduce grassroots principles to your personal and collective life. Mars in Pisces is capable of incredible sacrifice in the name of compassion. Don’t ignore the suffering. Make sure sacrifices heal rather than hurt.