Monday Jan 14th
5:19 AM PST: Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces, both at 14°24’
Mercury in Capricorn is an all-comprehensive data processor. Sextile Neptune in Pisces it interprets fantastic goals and translates them into practical plans. Take the morning to dream big. Then make a prioritized list of real-time actions that will take you there.

Wednesday Jan 16th
8:55 PM PST: Sun in Capricorn opposite True Node in Cancer, both at 26°46’
When the Sun hits the South Node each year, a light is shined on anything we might need to release. With the South Node in Capricorn and the North Node in Cancer, we’re working to support our long-term plans with cyclical structures. We’re searching for secure and protective spaces that support us right now. We’re leaving later for later. We’re learning about patience by addressing what’s actually in front of us. We’re affirming emotional intelligence as the underpinning of our accomplishment. We’re releasing rigidity that restricts our offering and receiving of our nurturing nature. Consider how being too serious about “success” is causing you stress. Focus on care as a forethought before your hard shell calcifies into a hard knock life. This aspect forces us to confront what isn’t working. The Cancer North Node reminds us that we grow in phases, like the organic movement of the Moon. Lean into high or low tide as a necessary vibration for your development.

Friday Jan 18th
8:50 AM PST: Venus in Sagittarius trine Mars in Aries, both at 11°53’
This aspect has the capacity to manifest our Monday list. Venus and Mars connecting from different fire signs make for a formidable end-of-week celebration. This aspect is packed with passion. Mars jumps in and Venus follows with enthusiasm. Look for where you can create fun. Partner with someone who’s leading you to a party. Before you do this, make sure you’ve defined what feels like a party to you. Active and receptive energies work together when you identify your unique idea of bliss.

12:01 PM PST: Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn, both at 21°12’
This connection instigates conversations about power. Mercury is a mover and a shaker of energy while Pluto in Capricorn carries compulsion to succeed. You might have to collaborate and compromise. Identify the center around which you revolve. Think big picture systems that you’ve been conditioned to see as normal, then think outside the box of the defined standard. This aspect has the ability to help us shift the foundation of actual thought processes so we can operate from a world-view of power-with individual and collective sacred divinity.

4:57 PM PST: Sun in Capricorn sextile Chiron in Pisces, both at 28°38’
Chiron in Pisces has expanded our strength of compassion within depression. Has increased access to core wounds so we can work with them. Has offered us infinite support in learning how to sacrifice a mindset of forever suffering. This sextile focuses on the tangible routines that help us triumph in the task of healing. Recognize the work you’ve done to identify tools and methods that aid in your own recovery. Capricorn wants us to develop self-sufficiency. What can you do for yourself? What can’t you? Use this aspect to ask for the help you need while also taking action that implies integrity and independence when it comes to emotional labor.

5:30 PM PST: Sun in Capricorn square Uranus in Aries, both at 28°40’
Not always easy, squares challenge us to see something we don’t want to see because we think it will be painful or are worried about our experience being invalidated. Uranus in Aries is about breaking down and redefining our identity. Meanwhile, the Sun in Capricorn is focused on slow growth from a solid foundation. Uranus wants to break the mold but the Sun shines lights on the benefit behind the break. Consider big changes you want to activate and ask yourself how you and your process can shift together. You might need to re-interpret tradition so you can establish a work ethic that aligns with the individual you want to become.

Sunday Jan 20th
1:00 AM PST: Sun enters Aquarius
As the Sun shifts into Aquarius, light and hope are growing. Ideas lift themselves to marry intention with impact. Our energy is detached but hopeful. Individual goals rise to align with collective consciousness. Our long-term hopes and dreams advance to the front of our minds and we emphasize our inclination to establish a tribe that shares our ideals while challenging us to expand our values. Concordantly, individuality invites itself as an asset to the table. Consider the communities you want to support and visualize contemporary ways you can show up to that aspiration. As the Sun shifts out of Capricorn and into Aquarius, remember you can be rich in many ways that don’t involve money. Expand your wealth by diversifying thought, experience, love, and origin stories to which you have access.

8:24 PM PST: Venus in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces, both at 14°36’
This aspect is like a successor of last week’s square between Jupiter and Neptune, and a precursor to Venus’ upcoming conjunction with the wiz of wisdom on Tuesday, January 22. Venus square Neptune can have the effect of seeing problems in partnerships in places where we previously chose delightful delusion. However, in Sagittarius and Pisces, these planets are likely to either “brush it off” and hope for the best or are able to integrate and adapt gently to changing tides. Allow yourself to see clearly. Be sensitive to any emotions that show up in your body and treat them as a divine fact; there to help direct you to a yes, no or maybe. A dear friend once reminded me that love is like the breath. You can shape it, change it, hold it, direct it in rapid successive motions or slow, balancing waves. But you can’t ever stop breathing.

9:16 PM PST: Supermoon/Total Lunar Eclipse at 0°Leo52’
This eclipse wraps up the cycle begun on August 21st, 2017 at the Solar Eclipse in Leo. Consider how much you’ve achieved in the last year and a half. Where has your love grown? What seeds have you planted, cultivated and nurtured that unfurled their leaves along your heart’s path? What associations or conditioned group-think have you released so you could be truer to you? What have you created or birthed? Just as important as setting intentions, making plans and doing the work, is recognizing how far we’ve come. Take a moment to consider how loving yourself more has exponentially endorsed and encouraged expression of your love for others. Celebrate yourself.