Monday, August 6th
4:27pm PST: Venus enters Libra → Entering her home sign takes Venus’ realm from worry to wonderful. Venus in Libra brings out our inner socialite and emphasizes grace, even in the most delicate and difficult conversations. Use this time (until she enters Scorpio on September 10th, to enhance your inner diplomat. Venus in Libra gives us the magic touch of consciousness; helping us listen to partners of all kinds as we initiate creative compromises.

4:27pm PST: Sun 14°Leo26’ square Jupiter 14°Scorpio26’ → An aspect with an eye for magnitude. The Sun in Leo is quite the performer, with an incredible ability to instill enthusiasm with its creative prowess. Jupiter in Scorpio can be abrasive, astounding us with unexpected truths. Bullies who shout that they’re “just playing” might get called out on egomania. Use this day to notice where your steady self-awareness crosses the line into narcissism. Sun in Leo and Jupiter in their high aspects are incredibly generous. Cut the crap (Scorpio is great at cutting away what isn’t working) and feel better when you give a lot though a buoyant act of kindness. Start with a gratitude list.

Tuesday, August 7th
9:50am PST: Uranus stations retrograde at 2°Taurus33’ → Depending on the precise point in your chart where outer planetary stations happen, they can be felt over days or even weeks beyond the exact station. Uranus signifies our higher intuitive conscience. If you’re feeling disconnected from your intuition or tripping out on anxiety, reflect on through the lens of self-defined spiritual, rather than socially practical values. Consider the long-term investment of self-care actions that are part of your uniquely defined practice. Trust you know your own needs. Remember that as you and your relationships grow, those needs will grow too. It’s okay to make changes even if you’re revamping old ideas.

5:33pm PST: Venus 1°Libra04’ trine MarsRx 1°Aquarius04’ → As Uranus turns around, feminine and masculine energies work together on an intellectual level. This aspect strengthens our capacity to act on intuitive desires and offers us the opportunities for eloquent conversations. Giving voice to wishes is often the beginning of making them a reality. Say what you want and/or need.

Wednesday, August 8th
4:10am PST: Sun 15°Leo52’ inconjunct NeptuneRx 15°Pisces52’ → Leo and Pisces are ardent lovers. Confusion can sometimes be caused by our pride getting in the way of owning our truths that are too passionate to be true. This aspect shifts our approach to loving by giving us the strength and courage to confront our vulnerabilities.

1:40pm PST: Venus 1°Libra55’ opposite ChironRx 1°Aries55’ → Venus wants to connect but Chiron fears the pain of separation from a love jumped into too quick. Chiron represents something we need to master. In this case, fear of the unknown might be the thing blocking you from experiencing or appreciating relationships in the present. You can’t know what you don’t know but you can learn from the here and now.

7:06pm PST: Sun conjunct MercuryRx at 16°Leo28’ → Also known as the Cazimi point, this marks the central moment of the Mercury retrograde and often brings clarity to an otherwise complicated puzzle. Because the Sun shines light and Mercury retrograde is like a messenger undercover, this moment has an air of “ah-hah!” Pay attention to the light-bulbs that mysteriously turn on for you.

Thursday, August 9th
5:59am PST: Venus 2°Libra34’ inconjunct UranusRx 2°Taurus34’ → Venus, who rules both Libra and Taurus, has the upper hand here. This aspect strengthens our sympathetic awareness to others’ experiences amidst unstable situations. Pause and taken in the situation before offering feedback. Ask if they would like to know your thoughts as they strategize. If you’re the one looking for support, be clear about what kind of support you want to receive. It’s okay to say you want someone’s presence but not their opinion. Form your phrases so they feel like a gentle touch on the shoulder rather than a poke in the gut.

2:29pm PST: MercuryRx 15°Leo50’ inconjunct NeptuneRx 15°Pisces50’ → The feelings you gained the strength to face yesterday when the Sun made this aspect have an opportunity to be rehashed. If you’re alone, get it all down on paper. Put it away and read it in another week or two when Mercury stations direct. If you’re with a trusted ally, this is an opportunity to get support on a situation that can send you down a spiral. Look for an adoring friend who’s great at holding space while you shed words and tears. Letting it out can make healing massively easier.

6:34pm PST: Venus 3°Libra07’ square SaturnRx 3°Capricorn07’ → Venus wants to love but Saturn wants to work. Focus on doing what you love. If partners set a boundary, the way to love them is to respect that boundary. This aspect isn’t always the most fun but it can strengthen the bonds between lovers in the long-term. If you work in partnership, take time today to set three goals that can be achieved by your complementary talents.

Friday, August 10th
11:31pm PST: MercuryRx 14°Leo48’ square Jupiter 14°Scorpio48’ → This aspect has a tendency to unveil some bewildering information. First, check to make sure you heard them right. The two planets of intellect are having it out in rigid environments. Take note as you have hard conversations. If you’re detail oriented, reframe the situation in a spiritual context. If you’re wise with universal truths, practice what you preach when it comes to the little things and remember they add up to something great.

Saturday, August 11th
2:58am PST: New Moon Solar Eclipse at 18°Leo42’ → The last of the eclipses, this New Moon has the potential to be felt for years to come and is the residue works of anything we didn’t finish from stories begun last year under the Great American Eclipse. Find the part of your chart that contains the sign of Leo. Write down any romantic visions. Refrain from filtering yourself. Eclipses are especially powerful and Leo is known for its audacity in the face of fear. Follow your heart. If you think you can you can.

6:28pm PST: Sun 19°Leo19’ inconjunct PlutoRx 19°Capricorn19’ → Pluto knows the importance of death, cutting away, and isn’t keen to take care of its kin. Capricorn is ambitious and mostly moral but the shadow of Capricorn is a horrific addiction. Pluto in Capricorn is the epitome of the well-meaning patriarch that sometimes goes wrong. We’ve talked often during Leo season of the lion’s bravery and this is a chance to stand up against authorities (collective systems or personal individuals) whose misuse of power is a serious problem. If you are the powerful in a dynamic, lead with love and share generously.

Sunday, August 12th
12:41pm PST: Venus 5°Libra53’ sextile True Node 5°Leo53’ → This aspect has love written all over it. Grace is the name of the game and with the moon in Leo, people will be particularly prepped to party. Enjoy new company by connecting over shared hobbies and interests rather than focusing on differences. You might be more alike and compatible than meets the eye. That said, pay attention to whoever, or whatever wants to catch your eye.

7:14pm PST: MarsRx enters Capricorn → Mars reenters the sign of his exaltation to sharpen his sword on traditional and predestined paths. Notice where you’ve been treading new territory. Think back to the ground you were able to cover in the early half of May and mark the place where you started to blaze your own trail. What were you working on accomplishing back then and what part of that structure do you still need? Mars is all tactic and in Capricorn, has a particular power for actions that manifest results. Use the extra energy to check things off the list (or to remove things that are blocking you from completing essentials). You’ve got two more weeks of ground to cover before he stations direct. Review your long-term strategy instead of aiming for short-term satisfaction.