Tuesday, June 5th
1:10pm PST: Sun 15°Gemini07’ inconjunct JupiterRx 15°Scorpio07’ → The Sun wants to shine light on all the secrets that Jupiter knows but might not be sharing. This aspect might force you to see something you’re trying not to see. Take the information in stride - even if it comes in the form of a feeling.

4:21pm PST: Mercury 15°Gemini06’ inconjunct Jupiter 15°Scorpio06’ → Like dominoes. You’ll notice that this is the exact same aspect that the Sun made just a few hours before. Mercury is putting words to the feeling that the Sun downloaded for us. If there’s something you don’t want to look at, lose the judgement of yourself or others. Practice forgiveness and remember that you’re a human and humans are perfectly imperfect. Use the natural curiosity that Gemini offers to shift your perspective. Then shift your actions to accommodate the feeling that wants space made for it.

7:02pm PST: Sun conjunct Mercury at 15°Gemini20’ → Now we’re talking! The Sun and Mercury both just learned something from Jupiter. The Sun represents our ego and Mercury, the messenger is here to help us discuss where our ego is thriving and where it might be getting in the way. Use this evening to write or share openly with a trusted familial or chosen sibling. Gemini loves reflection and perspective so having another point of view - especially if it feels friendly and supportive - is key.

7:25pm PST: Venus 20°Cancer50’ opposite PlutoRx 20°Capricorn50’ → This aspect asks us to make a change in our relationships. Like a lover hiding under the covers, Venus in Cancer wants to sit in the sweet, soft and safe spaces she knows. Pluto in Capricorn, on the other hand, is on the edge of obsession with the work they can do to deepen the relationship, especially if it involves sex and a powerplay. These two might not see eye to eye right now. Respect the others’ need for compassion as you navigate the growing pains that are natural to connection. Do the work you need to do for you and (L)et (O)thers (V)oluntarily (E)volve.

Wednesday, June 6th
7:07am PST: Mercury 16°Gemini27’ square Neptune 16°Pisces27’ → Under this aspect conversation takes poetic twists and turns. Neptune in Pisces is the queen of illusions - careful of deluding yourself. It’s easy to rationalize your way into highest hopes or deepest fears. Recognize this day as an opportunity to spin out the dream into best and worst case scenarios. Then realize how nuts those stories might be and set them aside in favor of Gemini’s inquisitive optimist rationale. Wait till tomorrow to take action.

10:58pm PST: Sun 16°Gemini27’ square Neptune 16°Pisces27’ → Following suit with Mercury, the Sun might add fuel to what could already be a wildfire of feeling about situations that definitely haven’t happened and probably won’t. Gemini loves perspective so throw a variety of narratives into the pot. If you can, pull up a chair for a friend at your planning session, especially if it’s become a pity party. Best not to attend this one alone. Reach out, connect, pick up a book with a spiritual focus. Neptune loves fantasy so watch a beautiful film and hit the pillow early. Wake up tomorrow and think “wow, it was only a dream!”

Thursday, June 7th
10:10am PST: Mars 7°Aquarius09’ opposite True Node 7°Leo09’ → You may have been hanging on to an inner conflict or outer struggle. Mars represents our ability to take action. When opposite the North Node, it is conjunct (or next to) the South Node. The North Node in Leo represents where we are headed on our hearts path while the South Node is busy setting us free from the need to save everything and everyone. This aspect helps you release the need to take on someone else’s struggle. The fate of the world doesn’t rest on your shoulders. On the other hand, Mars also represents our primal and sexual drives. If an old lover shows up and you feel secure in your direction, it’s okay to have a little fun!

Friday, June 8th
5:22am PST: Mars 7°Aquarius13’ semisextile SaturnRx 7°Capricorn13’ → Mars is bringing back the story from early April, coming up with a new code for his cohort with Saturn. Mars wants to take action but Saturn, already retrograde in his home sign has the upper hand and is slowing Mars’ swing. Look now at the changes you want to make AND the things getting in the way. Know that when Mars stations retrograde later this month, Saturn is going to help him backpedal as he untangles some messes he may be making. If you’re trying something new, make it multipurpose or in the very least, adaptable. Test run is the name of the game. Be prepared to stop before you get halfway.

6:32am PST: Mercury 20°Gemini47’ inconjunct Pluto 20°Capricorn47’ → Pluto loves a profound change but he’s grumbly when he has to make superficial shifts - especially if he’s asked to do it twice. This aspect might require you to adjust your boundary or simply restate it. If you haven’t been heard in a relationship, try a new tactic. Balanced, Pluto could have some very important information that helps Mercury get his message across. Use this moment to actively listen before you leap into a mess you didn’t make and isn’t yours to clean up. Then shake it off, wipe your forehead and breath a sigh when you realize you dodged a bullet that wasn’t aiming for you.