Monday, April 23rd
12:34pm EST: Venus 28°Taurus47’ semisextile Uranus 28°Aries47’ → SURPRISE!! Everyone jumps out from behind the couch to wish you the happiest. You might be overwhelmed for a moment but take a breath, feel the love and focus on how to savor the pleasure of the unusual but exciting attention. Just because someone does something they think is nice, doesn’t mean you have to like it. If it doesn’t feel good, you’re allowed to gracefully say no and take your space.

Tuesday, April 24th
1:13am EST: Mars 20°Capricorn12’ sextile Jupiter 20°Scorpio12’ → Gives us the drive to assert ourselves in the actions that initiate positive and radical change but perhaps require the most resolve and endurance. This is a moment of ease in setting aside your excuses and embracing enthusiasm for the work. Use your initiative to take a strategic risk and watch when the results come in with rewards for your rigor.

12:40pm EST: Venus enters Gemini → In Gemini until May 19th, Venus in this sign gets gabby. Unbalanced, she’s quite the gossip, has to do everything double and might make mischief in a masque that comes back to bite her. Balanced, she’s a super sapiosexual, asks lots of questions so she gets her lover right and knows exactly which moves make them hunger for more. She’s got a lavish vocabulary and adds luster to conversation so take the opportunity to practice communicating with character and watch your social life soar!

8:41pm EST: Venus 0°Gemini24’ sextile Chiron 0°Aries24’ → Whoops! She might have been too quick with her wit right out of the gate! Luckily, this lesson is learned swiftly with clever Chiron here to teach and coax her in how to think before speaking. Use this moment to ask questions about a hurt that happened when you or someone else was in a hurry and access insight that leads to forgiving solutions.

Wednesday, April 25th
5:28pm EST: Mercury 9°Aries06’ square Saturn 9°Capricorn06’ → Mercury’s third pass at the Father Patience’s lesson (think back to March 11 and April 5th). Did you get the drill yet? Take what you learned and take your time to integrate it. Quality of consciousness in communicating with cogency and responsibility rather than righteousness gets you a pat on the back.

Thursday, April 26th
7:00am EST: Mars conjunct PlutoRx at 21°Capricorn17’ → These two war gods are plotting and Mars pushes the gas pedal to the max on Pluto’s well-planned route. Collectively, this could mean a call to action with considerable consequences. Personally, this partnership gives us the extra umph we need to proceed with a change in the part of our charts that contains Capricorn. Capricorn can be quite the traditionalist because it appreciates the systems it has seen work seamlessly. Find a structure that functioned for someone else and seems to fit your bid. Then ask a mentor for help on how to implement it. You might be surprised at how much action you can access with it’s paired with the power of accountability.

Friday, April 27th
9:36pm EST: Mercury 10°Aries54’ trine True Node 10°Leo54’ → This aspect can feel like the sign you’ve been searching for and certainly helps us center on our side of the street. Take note of any synchronicities and pay attention to who’s lighting your fire tonight. They might be a key player in your future. Regardless, right now they are here to offer you some inspired insight to how your intentions for yourself could improve so you can thrive!

Sunday, April 29th
6:04am EST: Sun 9°Taurus03’ trine Saturn 9°Capricorn03’ → This is the energy we’ve been attempting to approach all month! The Sun offers some luscious light and a sensual spiritedness to the tougher, hard-to-tolerate tasks that will take us where we want to grow. This can be a productive moment to assess the state of your foundational values and resources. What do you not have that you need? What do you have that you’re not making use of? Are the principles of your process bringing home the bread? If not, this is a good time to observe obstructions without alarm, emphasizing instead the change that needs to be made. If you consciously cultivate the seeds you’re planting, over time they will bring forth something juicy and fruitful.

8:58pm EST: Full Moon at 9°Scorpio39’ → This luscious Moon is sitting directly across from the Sun and in a beautiful sextile to Saturn, seducing our psyches into some strategic and sensible (but certainly not prude) sorcery. The secrets you share and how you share them are your greatest resource on this night; with the potential to cause a ruckus or make it rain with a rawness that reaches every corner of the earth. The chart for the Full Moon in NY puts the Moon in the 12th house of shadows with Scorpio rising in the east. A Scorpio ascendant means Mars is the ruler of this chart and the Moon is listening to what he tells her to do. Mars is exalted in Capricorn in the second house on the World Axis so be tactical with the information you share - this scoop could go viral if you want it to but if not, it still has the power to help you release some painful history with the support of a strong sisterhood to hold you.