
Friday, October 5th, 12:05PM PST: Venus stations retrograde at 10°Scorpio50’

Venus, regardless of what sign she resides in, runs regularly through the task of establishing, stabilizing and maintaining relationships. Venus teaches us about the dynamics of dancing in and out of connection. Venus evolves our alliances with acts of appreciation, attractive aesthetics and above all, our ability to understand another.

The sign of Scorpio is swathed in secrecy. Cloaked in clout. Soaked in the seduction of how to style one’s power so that it can be split. Scorpio is known for its disposition towards death. But it is also admired for its ability to renew in the wake of release. While Scorpio might fear the idea of loss, it also thrives on it.

Scorpio is inclined toward the magic of merging. The sharing of control. The power of partnerships whose bonds cannot be beaten. And while Venus in Scorpio might be a little extra, she is certainly no slouch. In truth, Venus in Scorpio gives us the powerpack of passion to procure precious promises. To alleviate the aches of misdirected attacks. To heal heartache through upheavals that might be hard but can harmonize our understanding and connection in ways we didn’t believe were possible.

Venus’ retrograde in Scorpio will seek to strengthen the state of our relationships. It will be a process that pulls up the root so it can reject any rot. It will ask us to engage our sack of swaying power. To loosen, adjust and tighten our grip on the idea of giving. It will request that we become aware of any issues we haven’t addressed together. It will demand that we divine meaning from the mess of mingling. It will not monkey around with victims and martyrs but it will encourage us not to mismanage and will have little patience for being manhandled.

A few days after Venus' station, we fall under the spell of a New Moon in Libra, a Venus ruled sign. In the natural cycles, New Moons are critical moments for setting intentions. The connection between this New Moon and Venus offers us an exceptional opportunity to examine this lunar cycle and the Venus retrograde cycle in tandem, with kind eyes and graceful hearts. It allows us, through practice, to influence the impact this retrograde will have on us. This New Moon can support the shifts and strengthen the strings that secure us. It can help us leverage our links with love. It can teach us to lean into lust and to revise and reshape from a core of concern and care.

If you would like guidance for setting intentions under this New Moon, consider becoming a Tack Magic Member. This month's New Moon Manifesto practice will:

  • Offer specific insights to the ways Venus retrograde will affect you personally

  • Explain the potent relationship between Venus and the Moon during this particular retrograde and lunar cycle

  • Nurture a progressivist relationship to the meaning of Venus 

  • Provide instructions for locating the New Moon and Venus retrograde in your chart

  • Equip you with examples, meditations, rituals and tools for setting intentions and writing a manifesto unique to your experience